For Rs.1 you get 40 Bananas. For Rs.3 you get 1 Mango. For Rs.5 you get 1 ...Read more
Discy Latest Questions
Guess this Name of a country A. 8 9 10 means also B. 7 ...Read more
If 2 + 3 = 10 7 + 2 = 63 6 + 5 = 66 8 + ...Read more
1 दुकान से 7 चोरों ने कुछ चूडियाँ चुराईं और भागकर 1 जंगल में छिप गये । रात ...Read more
इसका जवाब दो तो मानेंगे whatsapp King: Its a Challenge…… समय लिमिट ⏳: 1 घंटा आपको अगर नहीं पता तो सबको forward करो और जानने की कोशिश करो. Who is the winner in our group.. It’s a mind game…!! इन सवालों के ...Read more
How many squares are there in this picture? can you solve this puzzle? 99% failed ...Read more