Discy Latest Questions
IF 2, 2, 3 = 4 3, 4, 5 = 8 5, 6, 8 = 12 6, 8, ...Read more
कितने लोग है इस तस्वीर में? ऊपर के इस तस्वीर को ध्यान से देखें ...Read more
How many faces do you see? Look at the image above carefully and tell how many faces ...Read more
A mother has twelve children, each born in a different month. They want to go to the beach. She says she’ll take them if they can win a game. She puts the name of each child on a card and ...Read more
Can you move 4 matchsticks to keep them inside glass Read more
Identify the Dileep Movies.. U hve one dy time..! 1. 👩🏼👈🏼🌑☝🏼👶🏻🐐 2. 📢🚣🏿🍋a 3. 🌊👁👊🏼👃sa 4. 🏘🏃🏻👮🏼 5. 👱🌳ta🐒Read more
How Many Legs do you see? Test your intelligence and let us know the number of ...Read more