Discy Latest Questions
एक पहेली सुलझाओ? एक दुकान में 1 रुपये की 3 चॉकलेट मिलती है, और चॉकलेट के तीनो कवर वापस ...Read more
⭕दिमाग चलाओ और जबाब दो. ⭕ ________ चीनी _______ तरसते थे एक_____चीनी ___ के लिए। वो ...Read more
Four of the words below have one significant feature in common which distinguishes them from the fifth ...Read more
6 सवाल और 6 चुनौतियॉं : 😀1. किस का जन्मदिन हर साल नहीं आता ?🎂 🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃🍃 😃2. ...Read more
A mother has twelve children, each born in a different month. They want to go to the beach. She says she’ll take them if they can win a game. She puts the name of each child on a card and ...Read more