1 दुकान से 7 चोरों ने कुछ चूडियाँ चुराईं और भागकर 1 जंगल में छिप गये । रात होने ...Read more
Discy Latest Questions
Can you tell what is within image? Help!! This is driving me crazy. There is something in the circle… And ...Read more
How many men are there in the picture? Here is the another tricky ...Read more
Guess the original hindi songs try ur brains… 1. Oh, this night, this season, along the ...Read more
कितने लोग है इस तस्वीर में? ऊपर के इस तस्वीर को ध्यान से देखें और ...Read more
How Many Legs do you see? Test your intelligence and let us know the number of legs ...Read more
Can you find the fox? So easy but yet so difficult if you don’t focus Find and Share How ...Read more
Can you guess the value of all stars Can you solve this maths ...Read more